Math 541

Unordered Concepts

If A is a set, the collection of all its subsets also forms a set, denoted as P(A) or 2A, called the power set.

The Cartesian product between A and B is the set consisting of all ordered pairs of elements in A and elements in B. We can write this as



A function or a map f between A and B is a relation between A and B, such that for any aA, there is a unique bB, such that (a,b)f . We denote this b as f(a). We often write such a function as


A is the domain, B is the codomain.

Relation of Functions

Injection X 1 2 3 Y D B C A Injection Surjection X 1 2 3 4 Y D B C Surjection BijectionX1234YDBCA

identity function

The identity function from A to itself is defined as idA:AA,aa. AKA, idA={(a,a):aA}A×A

If C=A, gf=idA, fg=idB, we call g the inverse of f,denoted as g=f1, and f to be invertible.



A group is a pair (G,), where G is a set,:G×GG a map, such that:

(a,b) can also be written as ab or ab or ab. The identity can also be denoted as 0 or 1. When (G,) is a group we can also say “G is a group under ”.

Note: To show a function is well-defined is also proving that the closure of the group. For every pair of elements a,b in the group, the result of the group operation (often denoted as or +) on a and b must also be in the group. i.e. G×GG on (G,+). For any g,fG we have (f+g)(a)=f(a)+g(a) since f(a),g(a)G, f+gG. So, + is well-defined.

Note. Well-Defined means

  1. for some x,yG such that x=y implies f(x)=f(y).
  2. one-to-one of f(x)=f(y) implies x=y.

Abelian Group

If is commutative, i.e. for any a,bG, ab=ba, then we call it a commutative group or abelian group.

({e},(e,e)e). This is called the trivial group, often denoted as 0 or 1.


For QQ there is a map action (composition action) f:qaq. Show Q is abelian group.

Suppose f(q)=aq, g(q)=bq are two elements in group, then for any qQ,


Hence fg=gf is abelian.

Permutation Group

A is any non-empty set, ({bijections from A to A }, ). This is called the permutation group or symmetric group. When A is a finite set of n elements this is denoted as Sn. Sn are all finite, and is abelian iff n2.


1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4



If (G,G) and (H,H) are two groups, f:GH satisfies that for any a,bG, f(aGb)=f(a)Hf(b), then we call f a homomorphism. If f is bijective then we call f an isomorphism.

Note: isomorphism: 1. Well-defined, 2. Bijective, Homomorphisms

Note: The two groups (G,) and (H,+) are isomorphic if there exists an isomorphism from one to the other written as


Sometimes write G=H

The set of isomorphisms from G to G (called “automorphisms”) is denoted as Aut(G).

For a group (G,G), a mapping f:GG is called automorphism if

  1. f is one-one.
  2. f homomorphic i.e. f(aGb)=f(a)Gf(b) for a,bG

Note: If H=G and =+ then the bijection is an automorphisms.


If f is a homomorphism then:

  1. f sends the identity of G to the identity of H
  2. For any aG, (f(a))1=f(a1)

Isomorphism Theorem of Groups

Let G be a group, NG, f:GH a group homomorphism.
p:GQ a surjective homomorphism such that N=ker(p). Then:

  1. If Nker(f), then there is a unique homomorphism g:QH such that f=gp.
  2. If f is a surjection, so is g.
  3. If N=ker(f) then g is an injection.
  4. (Isomorphism Theorem of Group) f(G) is isomorphic to G/ker(f).



If HG contains eG and is also closed under product and inverse (for any a,bH ,abH ,a1H),then we call H a subgroup of G, denoted as HG.


The group of integers Z under addition has subgroups of the form nZ for every integer n. For example:

Image and Kernel

If f is a homomorphism from G to H, then:

  1. The image (or range) of f, denoted as f(G), is a subgroup of H.
  2. f1({eH}), denoted as ker(f), called the kernel of f (and denoted as ker(f)), is a subgroup of G.

Note: The kernel is a normal subgroup of G.


Let G=(Z,+) and H=(Z5,+) which is modulo 5 under addition. The elements of H are {0,1,2,3,4}. Define a map f:GH by f(g)=gmod5.

The kerf is



Example 2

A group Z and a set {1,2,3} has one Z action:


defined as


Then the kernel of u is 2Z since only even number can make u(n,x) to be itself. i.e. u(2,x)=2+(1)2(x2)=x.

Normal Subgroup

A subgroup NG is called a normal subgroup, denoted as NG ,if for any aN , any gG , gag1N.

Group Action


Let G be a group, X a non-empty set. A left G action is a map f:G×XX, such that:


In f(g,f(h,x))=f(gh,x), where gh is gh. For example,
For f:(g,x)xg , the relation should be


where gh is represent as group action not simply gh.


Let G=Z and X={1,2,3} so, u:Z×{1,2,3}{1,2,3} defined as map u(n,x)=n+x.
So, for any g,hG, any xX, we have


Note: we often write the result of a left G action as (g,x)gx or gx.

Let G be a group, then:

A map f:X×GX is called a right G action iff


The automorphism of a G-set X is a bijective function f:XX such that for all fG and xX:f(gx)=gf(x). Which is also the G-equivariant (Math 541#^6f534d)

Permutation Representation

Let X be a left G-set, then the corresponding homomorphism GSX is called the permutation representation, its kernel the kernel of the action. In other words, the kernel of a left G action on set X is {gG:xX,gx=x}. If the kernel is {e} we call the action to be effective.


We usually take permutation group as these parts:


Which is (1243) .

Caylay's Theorem

Any group G is isomorphic to a subgroup of SG.

Equivariant Maps and invariant subsets


Let X,Y be two left G sets, f:XY is called G - equivariant iff for any gG, xX, f(gx)=g(f(x)). This means that if you first act on x by g and then apply f, it's the same as first applying f to x and then acting by g.


Imagine an arrow on a plane that can point in four cardinal directions: North, East, South, or West. Let's represent these directions as a set Z={N,E,S,W}
Let G be the group of 90° rotations in the plane.
Consider a function h:ZZ that rotates the arrow 90° clockwise. This function is G-equivariant. If you first rotate the arrow by any multiple of 90° and then apply h, it's the same as first applying h and then rotating by that same multiple of 90°.
g(x) f(g(x))

Let X be a left G set, a subset YX is called an G- invariant subset iff for any gG, any yY , gyY.

If X is a left G set, xX, the set OrbG(x)={gx:gG} is a G invariant subset of X, called the G orbit of x.


For G is (Z,+) and left G-set X the set of even integers. Define a group action u(n,x)=x+2n.
Consider any even integer x, we have OrbG(x)={gx:gG}. For any integer in G, they such x+2n is even number in X, so the orbit of x is 2Z.

Let X,Y be left G sets. If f:XY is an equivariant bijection, then so is f1. We call such maps isomorphisms.

Transitive and Stablizer

A left G action on X is transitive, iff for any x,yX, there is some gG such that y=gx.

Let X be a left G set, xX. The stablizer of x, denoted as Gx, is {gG:gx=x}. If for every xG, Gx={eG}, we call the left G action on X to be free.


Given the action:


where n is an integer and x is in the set {1,2,3}.
We need to check if for every pair (x,y) in {1,2,3}×{1,2,3}, there exists an integer n such that u(n,x)=y.
For x=1:

Thus, the action is not transitive.

We need to check if for every x in {1,2,3} and every non-zero integer n, u(n,x)x.
For x=1:

Thus, the action is not free because for x=1 and n=1, u(n,x)=x.

Orbit decomposition, Lagrange’s Theorem

Any left G set X is a disjoint union of subsets of the form Gx={gx:gG} which we call G orbits.

Image of a G-orbit under a G-equivariant map is a G-orbit. A subset is G-invariant iff it is union of G-orbits.

Orbit's Theorem

Two left G sets X and Y are isomorphic iff there is a bijection f from the set OX of left G orbits in X to the set OY of left G orbits in Y, such that for any O in OX, O is isomorphic to f(O).

Lagrange’s Theorem

Let G be a finite group, HG, then |H| is a factor of |G|.

Cycle notation

Let gSn, consider the Z action on {1,,n} defined as (t,a)gt(a). Then the set {1,,n} can be decomposed into disjoint union of Z-orbits. For each Z orbits, we can enumerate the elements in the order of c,g(c),g2(c), An element of g can be written down by enumerating the corresponding Z orbits that has length larger than 1. For example,


can be written as


This is called the cycle notation for elements of a permutation group.

Isomorphism Theorem of Groups

Left Cosets (Group)


Given a group G and a subgroup HG, a left coset of H in G with respect to an element gG is the set:


Here, gH represents the set of all products where g is multiplied on the left by each element h in H.

Note: So the H is a subgroup of G and |H| tell us how many elements in H. Then the G/H tell use the number of distinct cosets (each representing a unique "slice" of G). Thus |H|×|G/H|=|G| can tell us the number of cosets times number of elements of a set is formed the elements of G.


Consider the group Z (integers under addition) and the subgroup 2Z (even integers). The left cosets of 2Z in Z are 2Z itself and 1+2Z (all odd integers). Here, 2Z is the set of all integers of the form 2n for nZ, and 1+2Z is the set of all integers of the form 1+2n for nZ.

Note: Left cosets are a way to "translate" a subgroup across the group, and they play a crucial role in understanding the structure of the group, especially in the development of concepts like normal subgroups and quotient groups.


Definition of Rings

A triple (R,+,×) is called a ring, where +:R×RR, ×:R×RR, if

  1. (R,+) is an abelian( or commutative) group. The identity of this group is denoted as 0.
  2. For any a,b,cR, (a×b)×c=a×(b×c).
  3. (Distribution Law) For any a,b,cR, a×(b+c)=a×b+a×c, (a+b)×c=a×c+b×c.

Remark: a×b can be written as ab or ab. The identity of (R,+) is denoted as 0. The inverse of an element a under + can be written as a.
Remark: If a ring R has identity, a,bR, ab=ba=1, then we can write b=a1.

Remark: Remember to show Existence of Identity Element:
Define a 1 (or id(x) for function) as multiplies an element only to itself. The identity element called 1R.

Note. There are some steps need to do in first condition:

  1. Well-defined: check +,× if well-define
  2. Associative: for x,y,zR such that (x+y)+z=x+(y+z)
  3. Identity: Let 0R be defined as send identity to itself. For xR, x+0=0=0+x
  4. Inverse: For any xR, let x be (x)=(x), for xR, x+(x)=0=(x)+x

Definition of Abelian

A ring R is called abelian if for any a,bR, ab=ba. It has identity if there is some element 1R such that 1a=a1=a for all aR. It is called a field if (R0,×) is an abelian group.

Quotient Ring

Let R be a ring, I an ideal of R, the ring (R/I,+,×) as defined in Math 541#Theorem is called the quotient ring.

The elements if R/I are the left cosets of I in R: for a is an element of R, the coset a+I is an element of R/I.


  1. (a+I)+(b+I)=(a+b)+I
  2. (a+I)(b+I)=ab+I


Consider the ring of integers Z and the ideal 4Z (multiples of 4). The quotient ring Z/4Z consists of the cosets 0+4Z, 1+4Z, 2+4Z, and 3+4Z. These cosets are the equivalence classes under the relation of congruence modulo 4.

Quotient Map

and the ring homomorphism p:RR/I defined as rr+I is called the quotient map.

R - Modules

Let R be a ring. A left R-module is an abelian group (M,+) (the identity of which is denoted as 0) together with a map (called scalar multiplication):


such that:

  1. For any x,yM,aR,a(x+y)=ax+ay.
  2. For any xM, a,bR, (a+b)x=ax+bx.
  3. For any xM, a,bR, a(bx)=(ab)x.
  4. If R has identity 1R, then for any xM, 1Rx=x.


Ring R is (Z,+,×), module is M=(Z,+) under a map. Then the one of submodule is 2Z.

Isomorphism Theorem of Module

Let M and N be modules, and let φ:MN be a module homomorphism. Then:

  1. The kernel of φ is a submodule of M,
  2. The image of φ is a submodule of N, and
  3. The image of φ is isomorphic to the quotient module M/ker(φ).

In particular, if φ is surjective then N is isomorphic to M/ker(φ).


Let R be a ring, M a R -module, N a subset of M. If N is a subgroup of (M,+), and for any x,yN, aR, then (0N and xN)x+yN and axN, then N is called a submodule.

Example 1

Let's say M=Z3 is a module over the ring Z, and you're considering the subset N={(a,b,0)a,bZ}.

  1. Non-Empty: N contains the zero element (0,0,0), so it's not empty.
  2. Addition: If (a,b,0) and (c,d,0) are in N, their sum (a+c,b+d,0) is also in N.
  3. Scalar Multiplication: For any integer k and any element (a,b,0) in N, the product k(a,b,0)=(ka,kb,0) is still in N.
  4. Module Axioms: Addition and scalar multiplication in N are associative, commutative, and distributive, aligning with the module structure of M.

Since N satisfies all these criteria, it is indeed a submodule of M.

Example 2

Submodule of Polynomials of a Fixed Degree

Module: R[x], polynomials with coefficients from a ring R.

Submodule: All polynomials of degree less than or equal to a fixed integer n.


Submodule of Polynomials with Specific Coefficients

Module: R[x].

Submodule: Polynomials whose coefficients meet a specific criterion (e.g., all coefficients are even).


Submodule Generated by a Single Polynomial

Module: R[x].

Submodule: All polynomials that are multiples of a given polynomial p(x) in R[x].



Suppose R has identity, a left R-module M is called cyclic iff there is aM (called the generator), for any bM, there is some r such that b=ra.

Cyclic Left R-module

If R has identity, L a left R-ideal (Math 541#Left ideal), R/L is a cyclic left R-module (with generator a=1+L)


In the quotient ring R=Z/(4), we explore the cyclic left R-modules. A cyclic module is one that can be generated by a single element. In R, the potential generators are the equivalence classes [0],[1],[2],[3]. The resulting cyclic modules are:

  1. the trivial module {[0]},
  2. the entire ring R itself (generated by either [1] or [3]),
  3. and a module comprising {[0],[2]} (generated by [2]). These examples illustrate the different cyclic modules possible in R.
    Those such that for any mM and rR, any m=rmM.

Left coset (Rings)

In a ring R, a left coset of a subring S with respect to an element r in R is defined as r+S={r+s:sS}. (This definition uses the addition operation of the ring.)


In the ring of integers Z, consider the subring 4Z (all multiples of 4). The left cosets are n+4Z, where n is an integer. Distinct cosets are created using 0, 1, 2, and 3:

  1. 0+4Z (multiples of 4)
  2. 1+4Z (numbers 1 more than multiples of 4)
  3. 2+4Z
  4. 3+4Z.
    Each coset groups numbers with the same remainder when divided by 4.

Ring Homomorphisms

Let (R,+R,×R),(S,+S,×S) be two rings, a map f:RS is called a ring homomorphism if for any a,bR,

  1. f(a)+Sf(b)=f(a+Rb)
  2. f(a)×Sf(b)=f(a×Rb)
  3. f(1R)=1S.

Let R be a ring, M,N be two R-modules. A map f:MN is called a module homomorphism if for any aR, x,yM, f(ax)=af(x), f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y).

Note: End(H) definition
Let H be an abelian group. Let End(H) be the set of homomorphisms from H to itself, define (f+g)(x)=f(x)g(x), (f×g)(x)=f(g(x)). Then (End(H),+,×) is a group with identity.

Let R be a ring, a subset SR is called a subring if 0S, for any a,bS, a+bS, a×bS, aS.

Note. restriction:
Let f:AB be a function, AA, i the inclusion function from A to A, then the restriction of f on A, denoted as f|A, is defined as fi. Analogy in function Restriction (mathematics) - Wikipedia

Isomorphism Theorem of Rings

Let R and S be rings, and let φ:RS be a ring homomorphism. Then:

  1. The kernel of φ is an ideal of R,
  2. The image of φ is a subring of S, and
  3. The image of φ is isomorphic to the quotient ring R/kerφ.

In particular, if φ is surjective then S is isomorphic to R/kerφ.


Definition of Ideal

Let R be a ring, a subring S of R is called an ideal iff for any rR, a,bS, a+bS, arS, raS. (Sometimes check inverse and 0 term)


Let R be a ring, I,J two ideals of R. Show that the set {x+y:xI,yJ} is an ideal of R.

\begin{proof} For any a,bJ+I and rR, let a=a1+a2, b=b1+b2:

  1. 0 term: 0=0+0J+I.
  2. Addition: a+b=(a1+a2)+(b1+b2)I+J.
  3. Inverse: a=(a1)+(a2)I+J.
  4. Scaler: ra=ra1+ra2I+J and ar=a1r+a2rI+J.


Let R be a ring, I an ideal of R. Then:

  1. I is a normal subgroup of (R,+), hence R/I={a+I:aR}, where a+I is defined as {a+h:hI}, is an abelian group, and the quotient map p:RR/I defined as rr+I is a group homomorphism from (R,+) to (R/I,+).
  2. There is a unique function ×:R/I×R/IR/I, such that (R/I,+,×) is a ring and p is a ring homomorphism.
  3. ker(p)=I

Left ideal

M a left R module, xM, Ann(x)={rR:rx=0} is a submodule of R (seen as left R-module), called a left ideal.

Euclid’s Algorithm

Definition (integral domain)

We call a ring R to be a (integral) domain, if it satisfies the following:

  1. It is commutative with identity.
  2. ab=0 implies a=0 or b=0.

Note. The second condition implies that integral domain does not has zero divisor. That is related to the definition of zero divisor:

In a ring R, a non-zero element a is called a zero divisor if there exists another non-zero element b in R such that their product is zero, i.e., ab=0, ab=0 or ba=0, ba=0.

e.g. Z/6Z does has zero divisor since [2][3]=[0] where [2],[3] are zero divisors.

Definition (PID)

If an integral domain R further satisfies the following:

It is called a principal ideal domain (PID).

Definition (Euclidean domain)

If R is an integral domain, and there is a function h:R0Z0 where Z0 is the set of non negative integers, such that:

  1. If a0, b0, then h(ab)h(a).
  2. (Division with Remainder) For any a,b0, there is some q,rR, such that a=bq+r, and either r=0 or h(r)<h(b).

then R is called an Euclidean domain.

Definition (GCD)

Let R be a PID, a,bR, the ideal (a)+(b)={ra+sb:r,sR} equals some (m), and the number m is called the greatest common divisor of a and b, denoted as m=gcd(a,b).


Euclid’s Algorithm for Bezout’s Problem, which is that:

Given a,bR, ab0, find r,sR such that ra+sb=gcd(a,b).

Extended Euclid's Algorithm

  1. Initialization:

    • Start with r0=1,s0=0 and r1=0,s1=1.
    • These represent two equations: r0a+s0b=a and r1a+s1b=b.
  2. Iterative Process:

    • At each step, divide a by b to get a quotient q and a remainder r, so a=bq+r.
    • Update a and b: Set a=b and b=r.
    • Update ri and si: Set ri+1=ri1qri and si+1=si1qsi.
    • This process continues until b becomes 0.
  3. Result:

    • When b becomes 0, the last non-zero remainder is the GCD, and the corresponding r and s are the coefficients we seek.

Code Example

An example of this algorithm on Z, implemented by Python:

def extended_euclid(a, b):
    Performs the Extended Euclid's Algorithm on integers a and b.
    Returns a tuple (gcd, r, s) such that gcd is the greatest common divisor of a and b,
    and gcd = ra + sb.
    old_r, r = a, b
    old_s, s = 1, 0

    while r != 0:
        quotient = old_r // r
        old_r, r = r, old_r - quotient * r
        old_s, s = s, old_s - quotient * s

    return old_r, old_s, (old_r - old_s * a) // b

# Example usage:
a = 99
b = 78
gcd, r, s = extended_euclid(a, b)
print(f"GCD: {gcd}, r: {r}, s: {s}")