Deco + Convert(解密+转换音乐)

Download Music from QQ music

Download the raw music usually in .mflac or something else type.

Unlock the music

For .mflac type

We will use um command

Install the CLI through command

go install

From um/cli: Unlock Music Project - CLI Edition - cli - Unlock Music Git Service

When you run go install <module>@<version> for a Go module, it installs the binary to your $GOPATH/bin directory. If GOPATH is not explicitly set, by default, this path is $(go env GOPATH)/bin.

For the command you provided:

go install

It will install a binary named um to your $GOPATH/bin directory.

To find and run this binary on macOS:

  1. Locate the binary:

    If you have set a custom GOPATH:

    echo $GOPATH/bin/um

    If you're using the default GOPATH:

    echo $(go env GOPATH)/bin/um

    This will output the path to the um binary.

  2. Run the binary directly using the path:

    For example, if the output from the previous step was /Users/yourusername/go/bin/um, you can run:

  3. Add $GOPATH/bin to your PATH for convenience:

    To easily run um (and other Go binaries you install) without specifying the full path, you can add $GOPATH/bin to your PATH.

    For the default shell (zsh on newer versions of macOS):

    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin' >> ~/.zshrc
    source ~/.zshrc

    After doing this, you should be able to simply run:


    ... from anywhere in the terminal.

SO, use um -i /dir for unlocking!

For .mggh or some files that cannot deco by CLI

You will use online key to deco.

Website: 音乐解锁 - Unlock Music

Using this way to find the key:

Mac 客户端使用 mmkv 数据库储存密钥。


~/Library/Containers/com.tencent.QQMusicMac/Data/Library/Application Support/QQMusicMac/mmkv/MMKVStreamEncryptId


  1. 选中并复制上述的 MMKVStreamEncryptId 文件路径

  2. 点击上方的「文件选择区域」,打开「文件选择框」

  3. 按下「shift + command + G」组合键打开「路径输入框」

  4. 粘贴之前复制的 MMKVStreamEncryptId 文件路径

  5. 按下「回车键」确认。

Convert File to Apple Music can Accept

Now we will use ffmpeg

To .m4a lossless type

If you want to convert a .flac file to a lossless format that Apple Music (or the Apple ecosystem) can play, you'd typically convert it to Apple's ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec) format, which uses the .m4a file extension.

You can use ffmpeg to do this conversion. Here's how you can achieve it:

ffmpeg -i input.flac -c:a alac output.m4a

Replace input.flac with the path to your source FLAC file and output.m4a with the desired name for the output ALAC file.

After the conversion, you should be able to play output.m4a in Apple Music, iTunes, or any other Apple software/hardware that supports ALAC.

Note: Before you start the conversion, make sure you have ffmpeg installed on your system. If not, you can install it using a package manager like Homebrew:

brew install ffmpeg

Convert Many files at same time

If you have multiple .flac files in the same directory and you want to convert them all to the ALAC format using ffmpeg, you can use a simple loop.

Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. Using a Bash shell (which is available on macOS and most Linux distributions):
for i in *.flac; do 
    ffmpeg -i "$i" -c:a alac "${i%.flac}.m4a"
  1. If you are using Windows Command Prompt:

First, change the file extension to .m4a:

for %i in (*.flac) do ffmpeg -i "%i" -c:a alac "%~ni.m4a"
  1. If you are using Windows PowerShell:
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.flac | ForEach-Object { ffmpeg -i $_.FullName -c:a alac ($_.BaseName + ".m4a") }

For all these commands: